BEA Oils: 8 bottles at 45% Discount

₱3,540.00 ₱6,440.00 -46% OFF

BEA Oils: 8 bottles at 45% Discount

₱3,540.00 ₱6,440.00 -46% OFF
Product description

Pure Essential Oils: 8 Variants

This pack consists of 8 bottles Pure Essential Oils:

1 bottle Clary Sage Oil 15ml 1 bottle Frankincense Oil 15ml
1 bottle Lavender Oil 15ml 1 bottle Peppermint Oil 15ml
1 bottle Rosemary Oil 15ml 1 bottle Eucalyptus Radiata 15ml
1 bottle Tea Tree Oil 15ml 1 bottle Tangerine Oil 15ml


Each 15ml bottle of Essential Oil makes 300 drops.  Use Carrier Oil such as Oleia Pure Oil to dilute pure essential oils for topical use.


Recommended Oil Blends:

To enhance awareness and attentiveness, mix Clary Sage and Frankincense Oil on a 3:1 ratio. Pour Oil blend in a diffuser with the right amount of water.

To induce feeling of relaxation, clarity and calmness, blend Clary Sage and Tangerine Oil on a 3:1 ratio. Pour Oil blend in a diffuser with the right amount of water.

Diffuser Blend for Eliminating Bacteria: Mix 4 drops Tea Tree Oil, 4 drops Eucalyptus Oil, 4 drops Peppermint Oil and 4 drops Tangerine Oil thoroughly in a glass bottle. Pour the Oil Mix in a Diffuser with the right amount of water.

For enhancing memory and concentration

Mix Rosemary Oil, Lavender Oil, Tangerine Oil on 2:1:1 ratio, for example, 4 drops Rosemary Oil, 2 drops Lavender Oil, 2 drops Tangerine Oil. Mix well using a glass bottle. Pour blended oil in a diffuser with the right amount of water, per manufacturer’s instructions.

Diffuser Blend to Ease Stress:

Mix Lavender, Frankincense, Tangerine on a 2:1:1 ratio, for example 4 drops Lavender Oil, 2 drops Frankincense and 2 drops Tangerine Oi. Mix thoroughly in a glass bottle or container. Pour blended oil in a diffuser with the right amount of water.

Diffuser Blend to induce sleep:

Mix Lavender Oil and Tangerine Oil on a 3:1 ratio, for example, 6 drops of Lavender Oil and 2 drops of Tangerine Oil. Mix oil thoroughly in a glass bottle or container. Pour Oil blend in a diffuser with the right amount of water.

Use Clary Sage Oil together with other essential oils to make a Meditation Topical Blend.  Add 5 drops of Clary Sage Oil, 5 drops Frankincense Essential Oil, 5 drops Tangerine Essential Oil to 30 ml of Oleia Pure Oil or other carrier oil. This blend provides anti-inflammatory nutrients to aching joints and sore muscles, while you meditate. Apply on neck, shoulder, arms or legs.

For a chest rub that soothes symptoms of respiratory ailments such as asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia, simply dilute 2-4 drops of Clary Sage Essential Oil in 15ml of Oleia Pure Oil or other carrier oil. Gently massage this blend into the chest for relief from coughing, wheezing, congestion, and tightness.

To use as antiseptic for wounds and anti-fungal for toenail fungus and Athlete’s foot, add 50 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil to 5ml to Oleia Pure Oil (50% dilution). Mix thoroughly in a glass bottle or container.

Eucalyptus Blend/Help for Sinusitis: Add 8 drops of Eucalyptus Oil, 4 drops Peppermint Oil, 4 drops Rosemary Oil to Oleia Pure Oil 50ml. Shake well to mix oil thoroughly. Apply blended oil or lightly massage on affected areas.

Massage Blend for Stretch Marks and Cellulite:

Add 2 drops of Tangerine essential oil with 2 drops of Lavender oil to 10ml of Oleia Pure Oil or other carrier oil. Apply Oil blend on affected area 3x a day or use for light massage.

Yoga Mat Cleansing Spray:

Add 10 drops Tangerine Oil, 10 drops Lavender Oil, 5 drops Peppermint Oil, ¼ cup distilled water into a Spray bottle. Shake well before each use.

This recommended blend is based on research and personal experiences of essential oil experts like Robert Tisserand and other certified aromatherapists, which are available online. This is not to be taken as medical advice. You can make your own research on the benefits of essential oils mentioned.

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